(Troy and I in Oahu last year)
Okay, okay. Since Angie keeps bugging me to do this... here it goes! I'm a 25 yr old girl from Utah. We currently live in Vegas, and Vegas sucks! Never move here, EVER!! But it is a fun place to visit and live it up, and once you've done that... be happy to leave it behind. But since I am stuck here for a few more months, I am very blessed to have the greatest friends to keep me company while we burn under the hot sun. I have no idea where I'd be with out them. Through deployments, TDY's and baby births, they have been there every step of the way and I love them all unconditionally. My hunny is in the Air Force (if you didn't guess that already) and has been for 5 years. So far we have lived in three states and survived two 8 month long deployments to Iraq. We've lived in Washington, Mississippi, and Nevada. I must say two of those states completely sucked! However Washington was awesome and i miss it everyday! And even though Nevada and Mississippi weren't our 'dream' locations, we learned a lot and grew from each experience.
(Brayden beating up Troy during his lunch break)
We have a baby boy named Brayden. He is beyond spoiled in every way you can imagine! This makes our dog, Callie, very jealous! Nevertheless the two of them are the center of our attention. Brayden was born May 30th, 2007 while Troy was deployed to BIOP (aka: Baghdad International Airport for those of you who don't speak Air Force) and he has been the greatest edition to our family. Hopefully someday soon we can make him a few more siblings.
I am so proud of you. Now I have something to look at. Great job!!!!
ok now you need to add some other stuff to your blog.
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